Why is buying followers on social media so bad? Low engagement and low edge rank score. When you buy followers, you aren’t getting people who are interested or willing to engage with you. You are merely buying numbers. After paying for followers or engaging in aggressive follower churn, you are likely to get a large number of fake accounts amongst your number.
You end up spamming your followers. This isn’t always the case, but some, even more, evil social media follower services ask to access your social media account to send out multiple messages advertising their way of increasing people’s followers. This is just going to annoy your followers and give you a bad name, which brings me on to.
Loss of Integrity and Reputation. In this post-modern (or post-post-modern!) world we live in, morality is perhaps more difficult to define since everyone has a different view of what morality is. However, it is fair to say that people see buying followers as a rather immoral thing to do. People view it as you trying to appear more popular than you are and doing it by dodgy means.
People may not know that you’ve bought followers, but going from 30 followers or likes to 30,000 in the space of a couple of days is bound to get people suspicious, and then your integrity and reputation could well be in tatters. lastly, people will find out! In fact, a lot of people are currently getting found out. Also, social media sites delete the fake account from time to time!