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Sublimation is maturity, the maturity of what exactly?
maturity of ideals until they become acceptable in the eyes of others.
she had an ideal that was different from others beliefs and for that she was ridiculed.

Labeled an outcast, she was forced to depart towards the setting sun.
did she think anything of those that banished her? no, she did not.
her ideal revolved around the thought that people could live in harmony.

How deep down, everyone was truly equal. this ideal was acceptable to her,
but not to those around her. this made her a target. this led to her banishment.
as she reaches the ocean, she walks ankle deep in the water.

She watches as the sun sets and the waves rose and fall.
she knows that her idea is foolish to others, but she also knows that
people agree with her, even if few in number.
she knows that out of those few that believe
the same as her, at least one will speak out.

She knows that this banishment will cause a chain reaction.
the reaction starts small at first with only a few people, but as more and more
hear her ideal, more members will flock to her. With greater numbers,
her ideal will no longer seem unacceptable to her former society.

Her idea will help mature her society, causing them to grow.
she knows that she will not be alive to witness her ideal come to fruition,
but she knows she helped plant the seed and with that she is satisfied.

As the sun disappears, she closes her eyes and lets the water surround her,
a small smile on her face, and a small tear falling from her eye.

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